Here comes the sun
pareceu-me uma coisa óbvia, quase uma urgência
Sei que gostar da música da Mafalda Veiga é uma grande heresia para a maior parte dos anglo-saxónicos. Que é pimba, bom para provocar vómitos, esse tipo de coisa.
Eu acho que ela tem grandes canções para quem queira mesmo ouvir, como esta. Ou então estou completamente enganado.
Há canções que nos marcam, por isto ou por aquilo.
E que muitos anos depois quando tocam, ainda tocam.
Hoje, mesmo com o carburador um bocado entupido, não consigo ficar indiferente.
To love somebody
Ia a caminho do trabalho, estava sol lá fora e quente cá dentro.
Quando ouvi isto senti que o dia me estava a correr bem.
Vi que o Nils Petter Molvaer bem cá.
Bom, primeiro vem a uma sala suggia, e a minha mãe tinha um desgosto se me visse assim.
Segundo fez-me lembrar uma das minhas paixões. O Jan Garbarek. Lembro-me da primeira vez que o ouvi. Tinha chegado da praia. Nunca tinha cortinas nessa altura e as portas estavam sempre abertas de par em par. Tirei o leite do frigorifico e fui beber o leite do pacote gelado para a varanda.
E na rádio estava a tocar isto.
3rd Piece (In Memory of Andrej Tarkowskij)
Mais tarde, veio ao Jazz em Agosto e fui vê-lo. Também me lembro que chorei. Não pela música, nem sei bem porquê. Coisas de puto.
Um cafuné na cabeça, malandro, eu quero até de macaco
Brigam Espanha e Holanda
Pelos direitos do mar
Por que não sabem que o mar
É de quem o sabe amar
Uma canção genial com uma letra genial. No inicio umas frases normais.
Depois começa a trocar o inicio de cada frase com o final de outra, ganhando um sentido completamente novo. As trocas vão acelerando com a música. E acaba assim:
Amou daquela vez como se fosse máquina
Beijou sua mulher como se fosse lógico
Ergueu no patamar quatro paredes flácidas
Sentou pra descansar como se fosse um pássaro
E flutuou no ar como se fosse um príncipe
E se acabou no chão feito um pacote bêbado
Morreu na contramão atrapalhando o sábado
To be of use
era o que tinha aqui à mão a modos de penso rápido
Obrigatório ver quem:
a) Não conhece o génio desta bandida
b) Não sabe o poder de uma canção
c) Queira verificar se ainda está vivo
Liberdade é poder acordar e dizer: não vou trabalhar.
Liberdade é poder dizer não, não aceito, quando me humilham e afrontam.
Liberdade é poder partir.
Mas liberdade é também ter pão.
Liberdade é não ter que aturar ex-ministras portuguesas que a falar para portugueses em Portugal na rádio nacional portuguesa dizem "good governance" em vez de "boa governação".
9 crimes
Damien: Is that alright, yeah?
Lisa: Give my gun away when it's loaded
Damien: Is that alright, is that alright?
D & L: Is that alright with you?
Damien: No...
Segue o seco
Ó chuva vem me dizer
Se posso ir lá em cima prá derramar você
Ó chuva preste atenção
Se o povo lá de cima vive na solidão
Se acabar não acostumando
Se acabar parado calado
Se acabar baixinho chorando
Se acabar meio abandonado
Pode ser lágrimas de São Pedro
Ou talvez um grande amor chorando
Pode ser o desabotoado céu
people are strange
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Houve uma altura em que para não gritar pegava no carro e ia-me embora.
Cheguei a fazer centenas de quilómetros sem saber para onde ia.
uma pessoa por querer ou sem querer vai-se despedindo dos vícios. do que nos faz mal
e depois il i a quelque coisa que manque...
que tem a mania que sabe, mas que não sabe nada
O Resto do Mundo
um mendigo um indigente um indigesto um vagabundo
Eu sou o resto do mundo
Eu não sou ninguém
Eu queria morar numa favela
O meu sonho é morar numa favela.
O menino é mal criado, o menino é ‘pequeno burguês’, o menino pertence a uma classe sem futuro histórico…
Cripple and the Starfish
I am very very happy
So please hurt me
Quando ouço isto também eu ganho asas e vou para lá.
I'm going up, I'm going up
Take me up, I'm going up, I'll go up there
Go up go up go up go up up up up up up up
Up, up to the belly of a ship.
Let the ship slide open and we'll go inside of it
Where we are not human, we're not human.
Well, there was sand, there were tiles,
The sun had melted the sand and it coagulated
Like a river of glass
When it hardened he looked at the surface
He saw his face
And where there were eyes were just two white opals, two white opals,
Where there were eyes there were just two white opals
And he looked up and the rays shot
And he saw raven comin' in
And he crawled on his back and he went up
Up up up up up up
My man
Dissolved in my hand
Just like an avalanche
He's gone
não me esqueci que tudo tem um fim
Mesmo a lucidez. A inesgotável lucidez.
Sei que há qualquer coisa que distingue umas coisas das outras, mas o que é?
She wont let fuck
Sonho Impossível
Nunca te esqueças, a única forma de acontecer o possível que há em nós, é pelo impossível.
É teu dever sonhar. Sonhar sempre, a cada dia a cada hora.
Listening Wind
Mojique sees his village from a nearby hill
Mojique thinks of days before Americans came
He sees(serves) the foreigners in growing numbers
He sees the foreigners in fancy houses
He dreams of days that he can still
Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands
Mojique sends the package to the American man
Softly he glides along the streets and alleys
Up comes the wind that makes them run for cover
He feels the time is surely now or never...more.
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
The dust in my head
The dust in my head
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
(Come to) Drive them away
Drive them away.
Once in a Lifetime
You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
You may find yourself in another part of the world
You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
You may ask yourself; Well...How did I get here?
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground
You may ask yourself
How do I work this?
You may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
You may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
You may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Under the water
Carry the water
Water Remov-remov
Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/Into the silent water
Under the rocks and stones/There is water underground
Seen And Not Seen
He would see faces in movies, on T.V., in magazines, and in books....
He thought that some of these faces might be right for him....And
that through the years, by keeping an ideal facial structure fixed in his
mind....Or somewhere in the back of his mind....That he might, by
force of will, cause his face to approach those of his ideal....The
change would be very subtle....It might take ten years or so....
Gradually his face would change it's shape....A more hooked nose...
Wider, thinner lips....Beady eyes....A larger forehead.
He imagined that this was an ability he shared with most other
people....They had also molded their faces according to some
ideal....Maybe they imagined that their new face would better
suit their personality....Or maybe they imagined that their
personality would be forced to change to fit the new appearance....
This is why first impressions are often correct...
Although some people might have made mistakes....
They may have arrived at an appearance that bears no relationship to them....
They may have picked an ideal appearance based on some childish
whim, or momentary impulse....Some may have gotten half-way
there, and then changed their minds.
He wonders if he too might have made a similar mistake.
The Great Curve
The Overload
A terrible signal
too weak to even recognize
a gentle collapsing
the removal of the insides
Crosseyed and Painless
The feeling returns Whenever we close out eyes
Lifting my head Looking around inside.
Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things
I'm still waiting I..I..I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting I..I..I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting I..I..I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting I..I..I'm still waiting
Houses in Motion
For a long time I felt without style or grace
Wearing shoes with no socks in cold weather
I knew my heart was in the right place
I knew I'd be able to do these things.
And as we watch him digging his own grave
It is important to know that was where he's at
He can't afford to stop...That is what he believe
He'll keep on digging for a thousand years.
I'm walking a line-I'm thinking about empty motion
I'm walking a line-Just barely enough to be living
Get outa the way-No time to begin
This isn't the time-So nothing was done
Not talking about-Not many at all
I'm turning around-No trouble at all
You notice there's nothing around you, around you
I'm walking a line-Divide and dissolve.
Born under Punches
Oh, Take a look at these hands. They're passing in-between us.
Take a look at these hands
Take a look at these hands. You don't have to mention it.
No thanks. I'm a Government Man.
And the heat goes on...And the (Wheeeep!) heat goes on
And the heat goes on [heeh heeh]...And the heat goes on
And the heat goes on [brbbrbbrb]...Where the hand has been [chtktktktk]
And the heat goes on...And the heat goes on [aaaaaiiiigh!]
And the heat goes on... [I got time!] And the heat goes on
And the heat goes on...And the heat goes on
And the heat goes on...Where the hand (Oooip!) has been
And the heat goes on...And the heat (hehuh hehuh hehuh hehuh) goes on...
I'm not a drowning man!
And I'm not a burning building! I'm a tumbler!
Drowning cannot hurt a man!
Fire cannot hurt a man. Not the Government Man.
All I want is to breathe [Thank you. Thank you.]
Won't you breathe with me?
Find a little space...So we move in-between [I'm so thin]
And keep one step ahead of yourself. [I'm catching up with myself]
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